The Daily Social Distancing Show & Trevor Noah


クリスティーナ・コック(宇宙飛行士)インタビュー〜11ヶ月ぶりに地球に戻って | The Daily Social Distancing Show

Christina Koch - Coming Back to Earth After 11 Months | The Daily Social Distancing Show
Trevor: Christina Koch, welcome to the daily social distancing show, and I guess more importantly, welcome back to Earth.
Christina Koch: Thank you very much. It is great to be with you. And it’s great to be back on Earth too.
You out in space for the longest mission that female astronaut  has ever ever undertaken. And you have now, since you returned, was there a little part of you that regrets coming back with everything that's going on the world?
You now, I have to feel like a little part of me always wishes I were in space. I've kind of felt that way since I was really young. actually my entire life. So that part of me is definitely feeling that way but it is great to back on the Earth. I wouldn't trade it for the world. I will say, you know, living through this is probably one of the most amazing thing I will have lived through, I'd never wish for it to happen, but seeing how people are coming together and getting through it together, it is really a great thing to witness in person.
Let's talk a little bit about, your joueney into space, your journey in space and then, you know, the journey coming home. Spending eleven months in space is no easy undertaking especially because of what happens to your body. I remember when I went out to visit NASA, they told me about what happens to the astronaut physically, mentally, you have to try and work out in zero gravity. A lot of it actually sounded like social distancing and what we have to do here on Earth. How do you prevent yourself from going stir-crazy when you're stuck in that small environment for so long?
Definitely. I think it’s all about how you frame it in your attitude just like now with what we are going through. Um, for me, one of the tricks was to put the right thing on repeat in my head. So if I found myself putting on repeat in my head “Man, I sure do wish I could just have a latte.” or something ridiculous like that,I would replace it with something that is unique about what I have now that I can never have again. “Wow I'm really gonna be bummed out when I can’t look at these aurora from space anymore." And you know, put something on repeat in your head that serves you. That actually kind of flips it. So that instead of thinking, “Ugh, I’m so over this. When is it gonna be over?” You’re actually thinking, “Wow, I want to savor every moment.”
Oh, that’s interesting. So we are at home, we have to be sitting here, and then try and think of the positives. “Oh wow, I'll be so sad when I have to hug people I don’t like anymore.”
That’s right. For introverts. It might be a little easier.
Just positive thinking. Keep the positive thinking going. Uh, you made history in more than one way. Um, out in space because not only were you the first woman to spend as long as you did in space on a mission you also embarked on the first all-female space walk which made head lines because for us on earth it was mind-blowing when we find that there couldn’t be an all-woman space walk before because the space suites weren’t designed for different body types which is very strange thing to discover. You think NASA has everything and that seemed like a giant oversight. Did it feel like history for you when you were doing this? Or was it just a mission and then it sunk in when you got home?
I would say that it sunk in more after the spacewalk. Jessica Meir and I were honored to be able to do that. It’s a really demanding thing both mentally and physically. You are in the space suites for 12 hours straight. And you’re doing really hard work in the space suite for seven-hour straight. And so, really, there was not any time for being, I guess, concerned with some of the other aspects of what we were doing. I think we recognized it. Uh, we took that moment to take it in. I’ll never forget when we both came out of the air lock, we caught each other’s eyes, and we knew what we were doing, and it was a very special moment. But then we got right down to work. So, afterwards, realizing the outpouring support, that people were paying attention that it was inspiring people, that was where we really were able to take a step back and recognize what a huge honor it was that we could both, you know, honor those that came before us, that paved way for us and hopefully inspire the next generation.
I’ve always wanted to know this from an astronaut, um, I don’t get to talk to many of you because there’s only like, ten of you. Um, is Earth more beautiful during the day or at night when you looking at it from space?
Right, hard to pick. Hard to pick just one. I would say that the Earth itself it is more beautiful when you on the daylit side. But the universe and the cosmos and everything you can see outside of Earth including the auroras above the atmosphere is probably more dazzling during the night passes.   
So, where to next? I mean, you know, you’ve now gone out into space for this long. When you look at NASA and its programs,  when you look at what the astronauts are looking to, what is your vision personally, and what are you… what are you looking to next as, you know, part of the greater space collective? What are you hope to achieve?
My favorite part about being onboard on the space station was contributing and giving back, and luckily I’m still able to do that at NASA. So, I'm doing it through a series of debriefs. I’ll have a ground jobs. So, staying with NASA and continuing to contribute to human space fright is what I’m personally interested in doing. NASA as a whole is working on the Artemis program which is gonna be getting people back on the Moon and having sustained presence there in a new place and then taking that and capitalizing on it and investing further and going deeper under space. Hopefully, going back to Mars one day in the not too distant future. We’re looking to land on the Moon by 2024. So, that’s a… It’s a really exciting time to be a part of NASA. We are also doing commercial launches. So, launching from U.S. soil to get astronauts to and from a space station. Taking all the science we did there applying it back to Earth and applying it to these future missions. It’s just a really exciting time to be a part of it.
Wow, you just made it sound like it’s going to be the most exciting time when in fact we’re already living in the most exciting time. So you made me more excited for the things that are happening and are going to happen. Thank you so much for joining us today. Um, enjoy social distancing with us, and thank you for giving us that perspective.
Absolutely. Thank you. It’s been great to be with you.

コロナウィルスにまつわる神話を覆す | Emily Maitlis | @BBC Newsnight



Coronavirus: They tell us it's a great leveller... it's not | Emily Maitlis | @BBC Newsnight - BBC 

Emily Maitlis: They tell us coronavirus is a great leveller.
It’s not.
It’s much much harder if you are poor.
How do we stop making social inequality even greater.
エミリー・メイトリス: コロナウィルスは万人に平等に訪れる*1 と言われています。
Hello, good evening.
The language around Covid-19 has sometime felt trite and misleading.
You do not survive the illness through fortitude and strength of character whatever the Prime minister’s colleagues will tell us.
And the disease is not a great leveller the consequences of which rich or poor suffers the same.
This is a myth which needs debunking those hanging on the front line right now, bus drivers, shelf stackers, nurses, care home workers, hospital staffs and shop keepers are disproportionately the lower paid members of our workforce, they are more likely to catch the disease because they are more exposed. Those who live in tower blocks and small flats will found the lock down tougher. Those in manual jobs will be unable to work from home.
This is a health issue with huge ramifications for social welfare.
And it’s a welfare issue with huge ramifications for public health.
Tonight, as France goes into recession and World Health Organization warned that the pandemic could provoke the deepest economic downturn of our lifetimes, we are asked what kind of social settlement might need to be put in place to stop the inequality becoming even more stark.
One of the hardest things about dealing in graphs and numbers statistics target’s flattening or rising curves as the propensity to forget the names and lives behind the growing death toll.
Tonight we want to remember some of those who died whilst doing their job.
There were not soldiers.
They didn’t sign up to a career in which they pledged to give their lives.
They would not see themselves as heroes but as ordinary members of the public doing their work at a time when it demanded immense courage and kindness.
Here are just some of those key workers from all walks of life we remember tonight.
Good night.
I’m speaking to you but what I know is an increasingly challenging time.
I want to thank everyone on the NHS front line as well as care workers and those carrying out a central roles who selflessly continue their day-to-day duties outside the home.
エリザベス女王: ますます厳しさを増す現状について、国民のみなさんにお話します。

*1:the great leveller: “Death is the great leveller." 諺「死は万人に平等に訪れる」を引用したもの

*2:because they are more exposed: BBC日本語版では「ウィルスを浴びる機会が多い」と訳出。さすがプロ。

*3:Tower blocks: 1950年代から1970年代にイギリスで建てられた高層住宅、主に低所得者層の住居

*4:France goes into recession: この日、フランスは2020年1-3月期のGDP成長率予測を戦後最悪のマイナス6%と発表した

*5:all walks of life: あらゆる階層の人々、あらゆる職業の人々


ファウチ博士にトレヴァーが質問<後半> | The Daily Show


Dr Fauci Answers Trevor’s Questions About Coronavirus The Daily Social Distancing Show

Trevor: Got it. I have four questions because I know we’re gonna run out of time, but I just want to let you know I have four questions that I think are really important. Uh… #1. We here about this clock, 15 days where things will be reassessed, 15 days where people might go back, 15 days, every country… 21 days. There seems to be a clock. My question is what is that clock supposed to be? And is there a certain amount of time that people can be away from each other where coronavirus goes away? And the follow-up in that same question is does the clock start if people are not completely quarantined during that period?
Yeah, the virus is the clock, Trevor. So people say, they... arbitrarily, “Well, in two weeks, we're gonna be okay.”, it depends on the kinetics of the outbreak. Right now take New York City. They are getting hit really hard. And the kinetics of the outbreak is going there. You can’t predict when it’ll make that turnaround and start coming down. In general. If you look historically at countries that have been through the whole cycle, in China, it was about eight weeks or so before it went way up and then way down. 
In Korea, the same thing. So if you look each individual country, and being a big country as we are here in the United States, we’re almost like a lot of little countries. Like, New York in itself can be considered a country. California can be considered a country. So, it’s unpredictable about when you can say this cycle… It’s usually measured in several weeks. Sometimes, when you’re into the cycle, you may only be two to three weeks away before it starts to turn around.
Right. Okay. so, then, to that point, that’s, then, my second of the four questions. Second question is, is New York City really harder hit? Or is New York ’s testing making the numbers spike up? And is this something that we’re going to see start trending throughout America?
Well, a couple of good questions right in there. New York is more hardly hit, for sure. The nature of the city, the crowd of the city the fact that you get the beginning of your outbreak when you get influx from other countries. China was the index country that came in. New York is a travel hub of the country, so clearly, we had a lot of cases come in. By the time they realized what they were dealing with, they’d already gotten a sucker punch, and they really were playing catch-up. They didn’t do anything wrong. They're not very different except that they’re a big, robust city, and because of that, they’re getting hit hard.
Okay, and then the second-to-last question is, with regards to reinfection and immunity. We talk about people who have it and are asymptomatic, we talk about people who are recovering and we are starting to see those numbers grow around the world. Do we know yet if getting corona and surviving corona means that you’re now immune to the disease or is there a chance of reinfection?
Uh, we don’t know that for one hundred percent certain, because we haven’t done the study to see re-challenges, whether they’ve been protected. But I feel really confident that if this virus acts like every other virus that we know. Once you get infected, get better, clear the virus, then you’ll have immunity that will protect you against reinfection. So it’s never one hundred percent, but I’d be willing to bet anything that people who recover are really protected against reinfection.
Okay, and then our final question is that, Thank you so much for your time. I really hope everyone understand how important it is to listen to you. Final question, with regards to the government, the CDC, the NIH, and all of the units, working together. Right now it feels like there is a push and pull, a tug-of-war between states and the federal government et cetera. For Americans who are out there watching this, what is the plan and what do you think needs to happen for the whole unit of the United States to fight the coronavirus? You know, implementing different checks and balance along the way to make sure that everyone fights it and the numbers go down.
Well, that a very good question. Things are implemented at the state and local level. That’s the way this country works so well. The federal government is a facilitator, it’s a supplier, it’s a supporter. And that’s the way things should be going. And that’s what we are starting to see now as we are catching up on things that weren’t done so well in the bigining. We now have many many more tests. The private industries getting involved. The governments not making the test. The private industry is. The ventilators that are needed. Coming out of the stockpile, yet companies are starting to make more. So it really is a marriage between the federal government as a facilitator and a supporter of where the real action is at the state and local level.
Thank you so much, Dr.Fauci.  Um, you’ve been amazing and I could talk to you for an hour on this, but I know everyone wants your time. Good luck with what you doing. And, um, I hope we’re doing our part to make your job a little bit easier. Thank you.
You are, very much. And I appreciate the opportunity to speak with you.
Stay safe and wash your hands because of that fake cough you did.
(Laughs) Take care.

ファウチ博士にトレヴァーが質問<前半> | The Daily Show

Trevor: Dr.Fauch. Thank you so much for joining us to the Daily Social Distancing Show. How are you?
トレヴァー: ファウチ博士。デイリー・ソーシャルディスタンシング・ショーにご出演いただき本当にありがとうございます。いかがお過ごしでしょうか。
Dr.Fauch: I’m very well thank you, very well.
ファウチ博士: おかげさまで、とても元気ですよ。
You are an infectious diseases expert who has advised six presidents for everything from SARS to EBOLA to the HIV epidemic and Zika. What makes coronavirus so different?
Well, it’s different because, you know, when people used to ask me over the years, what is it that I most worry about with regard to emerging infectious diseases, is a respiratory-borne illness, that easily spread from person to person, but that has a high degree of morbidity and mortality. And unfortunately, that is the worst nightmare you could have is to have something like that. I mean there are other diseases. Ebola was frightening, but Ebola gets transmitted only when you’re in very close contact with a person who is very, very ill. With this disease in some respects similar to influenza, but in some respects, very different, it spreads very easily.
You can even spread it when you are not symptomatic. So it’s insidious and treacherous, in that you could spread it easily. The other part about it, that’s really so different from anything that we’ve ever faced before is that if you look at the mortality of seasonal flu, the things you and I go every season, the mortality is 0.1 percent. That’s a lot. And we get used to that morbidity and mortality.
But the mortality of this is about ten times of that. It’s at least one percent. So it’s a disease that not only is easily spread but it can be devastating particularly for certain subset of population. Demographically different. The elderly, those with underlying conditions, heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, it can be very serious for them with a high degree of morbidity and mortality.
Let’s, let’s talk about a little bit about the information in and around corona that’s, that’s, I think, getting people confused. I see so many conflicting ideas online, I guess the horrible by-product of having social-media and the internet is, everyone is now an expert, and everyone has an opinion.
I know this is very basic for you but just to everyone be on the same page, how can we catch corona and what are the areas we should be most concerned about? So we now about human-to-human transmission. Most people understand that but I see people online worried about grocery shopping, touching the packages they receive from Amazon. Do people need to wipe them down?
When they’re in the grocery store, can they touch other things? How long does coronavirus last in the air? For instance you walk into an elevator after somebody else, can coronavirus still be there? What do we need to be on the lookout for as individuals?
Okay. There’s varied degrees of risk, Trevor, of that in every respect. But the things that are the most common, that you really want to latch onto is that sneezing and coughing. When someone is ill they’ve got get themselves out of circulation, because they can spread by droplets and even by what we call “aerosol”, which means the drop doesn’t go down right away. It hangs around for a bit. So you can come into a room thinking everything is all right, and then you inhale it. That’s likely not the primary way. The primary way is probably droplets.
But another way it’s very important is hand shaking. When people naturally go (coughs) Like that, they cough. And then it’s innocent there’s nothing on their hand. They shake your hand or they open a door nob, and that’s the thing. You don’t want to be obsessive-compulsive about wiping everything down that you go near, but one of the real bud actors is somebody who just opens a door, and then 15 minutes later… Because we know the virus can live on inanimate hard objects like steel or plastic for at least several hours. So that’s the thing you got to be careful. That one of the reasons why, if you really want to be careful besides the social distancing of six feet, don’t shake anybody’s hands. Just lose that for a while.
And wash your hands as often as you can. Because you may be inadvertently touching something.
Oh. I...
Now your other question, Trevor, That’s important. Is that I don’t think we need to get completely obsessed about packages that come in, because those types of surfaces… The virus might live there for a very short time, but people say “should I, should I get a package from a grocery store because it says ‘made in China’?” I wouldn’t worry about that. That's not the issue.
It’s more the close things, the handwashing.
Let’s talk a little bit about what you alluded to earlier, the mortality rate of the disease and how people have misconstrued the numbers, we know that people who are older or people who have underlying respiratory infections um… have a higher chance of dying from the virus. But I think that people have started to believe that that means young people are immune and cannot get sick from coronavirus. What are people not understanding from the numbers?
Trevor, they’re not understanding two things that are important. A) Even though you are young, you are not absolutely invulnerable for sure, because we are seeing cases. Most of them have some underlying disease but several don’t. Who are young people. 30s, 40s who are getting sick, getting into the hospital, requiring intensive care. Still, the overwhelming proportion are the elderly with underlying disease. But every once in a while, you’re gonna get a young person, so if you think you’re completely invulnerable, you’re incorrect. Second issue that’s important, that even though you may not get seriously ill, you can get infected with relatively few symptoms. Either a symptomatic or mild, relatively trivial symptoms. But then you can infect another person who would then infect a vulnerable person who would then die.
I mean it’s the typical example, “I'm young, I’m healthy.” But you go home, you infect your grandma, grandpa and your sick uncle. So you have a responsibility not only to protect yourself but you are almost have a societal, moral responsibility to protect other people.
In talking about the virus, it feels like understandably that everyone is trying to find an answer, everybody is trying to find their own solution. Unfortunately that has bred. You know, uh… it’s creating a breeding ground for misinformation. For instance, cures that people are touting online, you know, concoctions of different medications, et cetera. We read about malaria drugs and chloroquine or whatever it is, what is the biggest warning you would give to  the general public about trying to self medicate or is there any cure that people actually have discovered? What... as a leading health expert, what do you say about this issue?
So, right now, today, as we speak, there’s no proven, safe and effective direct therapy for coronavirus disease. For sure. There are numbers of critical trials that are trying to by randomized control trials get a definitive answer as to what works and what doesn’t work, what’s safe and what’s not safe. Superimposed upon that, there’re drugs that are already approved for other things like hydroxychloroquine for malaria and for certain autoimmune diseases, that there have been anecdotal stories. By “anecdotal”, I mean, people kind of think they work, but they haven’t really proven they work. That's really gotten out there on the Internet. So people are very enthusiastic. Since generally, these drugs appear to be safe, but they are, but they do have some toxicities. So a lot of people want a drug even though it’s not proven just in case it might help them. You got be careful about that for a couple of reasons, you don’t want to take the drug off the market for the people who really need it, who have the diseases it’s used for. And on the other hand, there may be some toxicity. That's the reason why we're pushing to try and get as many good clinical trials as possible to prove if it works. If it does, then get it out there really fast for everybody.


コロナ関連のデマとトイレットペーパー騒動 | The Daily Show



Coronavirus Misinformation & Toilet Paper Panic | The Daily Show

Mar 11, 2020

Normally, we would catch up on all of the headlines from around the world.
You know maybe we’d talk about Harvey Weinstein getting 23 years in prison. Uh… (applause) Yeah.
Or... we could talk about the Supreme Court are giving President Trump a victory of immigration.
But today, there is only one story the entire world is talking about; the coronavirus, aka COVID-19, aka "mumbo number death”.
It’s now in 110 countries with over 122,000 confirmed cases, and it looks like, it’s only getting worse.
NBC news: The World Health Organization today officially designating coronavirus as a global pandemic.
MSNBC: Congress’s in-house doctor told Capitol Hill staffers at a closed-door meeting this week that he expects 75 to 150 million people in the United States to contract the coronavirus.
New tests led by the U.S government scientists show the virus can live in the air for several hours and on some surfaces for up to three days.
Oh, okay, that's a lot of informations, so let’s try and break it all down.
First, the weld… World Health Organization has officially just declared coronavirus a "global pandemic".
Which yes, is scary for us humans, but from corona’s perspective, it’s pretty cool. Yeah?
No, because for a virus, this is like going platinum, you know?
It’s…It’s a big day. Started from the Wuhan, now we are here.
I think it’s pretty cool for corona. 
And yes I’m saying that because I hope if I suck up to corona, it’ll leave me alone.
I, uh, I’m not sure if it’ll work but I’m gonna try it.
Now the second peace of information is a little more disconcerting.
Congress’s in-house doctor says up to 150 million people in states could end up getting corona. 
Yes. That is a half the country.
And the other half won’t get it because they're clearly losers who don’t have friends.
Yeah, It’s gonna be like, like “How do you not have corona? Has nobody touched you? I’d rather be dead!” 
And the third point more…ah, might be the most scary.
Uh, we're learning that this coronavirus can stay on some surfaces for up to three days. Yeah.
Although in NY, it doesn’t stay as long because they can’t afford the rent.
That’s the good news. The housing crisis is real.
Now some surfaces like cardboard, apparently, corona can only survive for a day. If it’s a cardboard.
But then on harder surfaces like glass, it can survive for much longer.
So like your cellphone? That could be a problem. Yeah? 
My advice?
Clear your browsing history.
Yeah, I mean you might still get corona, but at least the doctors won’t see all the freaky shit you’ve been searching on your phone.
“Is this your emergency call… Wait, WHAT THE HELL?”
(医者)「あなたが救急に掛けた電話はこれかな...ん?な ん だ こ れ は?」
And look guys, I know we’re all scared. But it’s important to keep a clear head.
PANIC is not gonna help anything.
Right? We’re still learning about this. We’re still leaning the mortality rate. And...
And panic is not helping, because right now, some people are letting their panic make them dumb as shit.
The impact of the coronavirus beeing felt across the country, now affecting everything from air travel to schools, to what’s on store shelves or what's not on store shelves in some case. Some retailers seeing a run on many of the basics.
Well, just a crazy scene at a grocery store where toilet paper has been in high demand.
Yeah, surveillance video shows a stampede of customers clearing the shelves.
9news: Fights over toilet paper breaking out in grocery stores as shelves run empty.
People! What are you doing?
I really don’t understand what people are do… you do not need to panic over toilet paper.
Water, I would understand. Food, medicine yes. But you can survive without toilet paper.
Don’t forget, you are in a bathroom. “Oh, how will I clean my butt in this room with shower?”
Like, I feel like people in first world countries don’t know what to panic about.
Toilet paper? Are you shedding me?
Like what? What’s next? Are people just gonna be running around Walmart like “Ah! Where is the car wax? Ah!”
And maybe that’s because, there were times when we didn’t have toilet paper.
Honestly when we were kids we didn’t have toilet paper.
We always made a plan. Right? You can use news paper. You just rub it together. This is a true thing. Right? You can use paper towels.
Hell, everyone in America has a dog. Push come to shove*1, you wipe your ass on the dog. Yeah, “Freckles! Get out here!”
People are like, “I’d rather use my hands, Trevor!”
Look man, just avoid panicking. Because if you panic, you stop thinking clearly.
And if you’re not thinking clearly, then you’ll start to believe anything that you hear.
And there is a lot of bad information that's out there.
Well, the spread of coronavirus also led to a lot of spread of misinformation.
There are more rumors going around on social media about how to avoid coronavirus.
Eating garlic, drinking bleach, snorting cocaine… yes, and masturbation are not miracle cures for corona virus.
Yes. drinking bleach, snorting cocaine and masturbating is not the way to cure corona.
It’s the way to kick off the most rock-and-roll party of your life.
That’s what that is. That’s what that is.
And I don’t understand how anyone falls to any of that.
None of those things get rid of coronavirus. Right?
Bleach gets rid of stains. You can’t drink it. It’s not gonna help you.
Garlic gets rid of vampires, okay?
Cocain gets rid of your money. That’s it.
Like, in a way the only thing that makes sense is masturbating, okay?
Yeah, it won’t cure you. But if you stay in and do that all day you’ll probably have less chance of catching the virus.
Yeah, you know, if the CDC really wants people to self-quarantine, forget the Purell and they should just be handing out lotion.
“Here you go. Stay home. And…uh, social distance*2 yourself. You know what I mean.“

*1:if/when push comes to shove/it comes to the push: if or when you are forced to make a decision or do something difficult

*2:social distance


ウォーレン撤退、トランプはコロナを無視、まさかの自動車事故 | The Daily Show

Warren Drops Out, Trump Shrugs Off Coronavirus & An Ironic Car Accident | The Daily Show
Mar 5, 2020
ウォーレン撤退、トランプはコロナを無視、まさかの自動車事故 | The Daily Show

The democratic primaries, after the Super Tuesday, voter basically decided the race should be between Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders, so Michael Bloomberg promptly drop out and now in the wise words of the phi solo… philosopher DJ Khaled, “Another one” *1


CNN: We bigin with today’s big breaking 2020 news. Senator Elizabeth Warren is dropping out.
FOX: Warren speaking out of her decision to suspend for campaign.
Gender in this race, you know, that is the trick question for every woman.
Uh… If you say, “Yeah, there was a sexism in this race” everyone says, “Whiner!” *2
And if you say, “No there was no sexism” about a bazillion*3 women think,”What planet do you live on?”
Uh… I promise you this, I will have a lot more to say on that subject later on.


Elizabeth Warren has a good point. Because, like it or not, that was some truth that she dropped there.
A woman addressing sexism or ignoring it while running for president is either gonna be seen as a whiner, or living on another planet.
Which is unfair. Especially since the president is already a whiner who lives on another planet.



And wheter you think sexism played a role or not, you have to admit it’s pretty strange that a race that started with a broad tapestry of candidates is now basically down to two old white men.
Yeah, they’re so old that no matter which one of them wins, Donald Trump will be the youngest person in the race.


Think about that, that's wild.
Like there is no other job where these three people would be the top candidates.

Like even if they were auditioning for those life alert commercials…

Yeah, people would be like, “Uh, we’re kind of going for someone healthier, you know?”

“You guys don’t really look like you’re young enough to save, you know what I mean?”


And know the big question is, who is Elizabeth Warren gonna endorse. Biden or Bernie?
She gonna swipe right or really far left?


All right, let’s move on to this year’s biggest viral challenge. The coronavirus.
While CDC struggling test patients, and stores are running out of cleaning supplies, we are finding out just how fast this things can spread.
TDS: New alarm bells ringing tonight in the outbreak of coronavirus in this country.
There are now more than 150 cases in a growing number of states.
A New York City lawyer is hospitalized. His wife, daughter and son testing positive. A family friend who spent time with is also positive, as are his wife and three children. Officials also announcing the neighbor who drove the lawyer to the hospital has the virus. The neighbor’s children are being tested.
TDS: 今夜、アメリカ国内でコロナウィルス発生の新たな警鐘が鳴らされました。
Okay, there's definitely a need to banic. Cause the only time people say there’s no need to panic is when there’s something about panic. Like, a pilot never comes to a P.A. like,”Uh, ladies and gentlman, no need to panic, uh, but we’ve landed.” You’d be like, “And?” “And nothing, there’s no need to panic."
Because that graphic is especially scary. Did you see that thing? Look out that. Like everyone got the virus. That guy got  the virus, then his wife got the virus, his kids got the virus, his neighbor got the virus, probably everyone who share his Netflix account got the virus. Hun? The man who drove him to the hospital got the virus, which means the car’s GPS probably got the virus as well. She’s like “Turn right now,” “Coughing, coughing” “Touching face.” No GPS, don’t touch your face! You don’t even have a face.
Now, leaders all over the world are handling corona in very different ways. Some are panicking, and some are not doing enough. Luckily for all of us, here in the United States, there’s one person who isn’t worried at all.
FOX: We had a report today the global death rate at 3.4%, and a report that the Olympics could be delayed. Your reaction to that?
Trump “Well, I think the 3.4% is really a false number. Now, this is just my hunch. Because a lot of people will have this and it’s very mild. So I think that the number is very high, I think the number… personally I would say the number’s way under one percent.”
FOX: 本日の報道では世界的な死亡率が3.4%で、オリンピックは延期される可能性があるとの報道もあります。どのようにお考えですか?
Yes, good news. Trump has a “hunch” that coronavirus is not as deadly as people think. In fact he “personally” has a “feeling” that the death rate is lower than one percent. What the fxxx is that?
"I’ve got a feeling" is a phrase that should only be reserved for low-stakes situations.*4
You know, like wether tonight’s gonna be a good, good night.*5
And honestly, I don’t know why Trump is doing this. Like, why is he being like, “Oh, it’s not that bad” or “It’s not…” He’s acting like the virus is no big deal. No one is blaming Trump for coronavirus. People just don't want him ignoring it like it’ll go away. This is a global pandemic, not his son Eric.
And by the way, why was Fox News showing the White House for that call? I mean, based on where Trump spends most of his time, it’s more likely he was at Mar-a-Lago *6 or KFC. I mean, I don’t even know why they did that.
Right and finally, here is a fun story to lighten up your day. You know how everyone always tells you to not text while driving because it can lead to a disaster? Well this next driver should have taken that advice.
Please stop what you are doing and take a look at your screen. Check out a major fail after a man passed his driving test. Just ten minutes later, yeah that same man he drove his car into a river. It happened in southern China. Reports say he was trying to avoid those pedestrians on the bridge apparently, he was reading get this messages on his phone congratulating him for passing his driver's test.
There are …there are so many things about this story. First of all, he was trying to avoid them, why didn’t he just stop? Like, that thing. It went bad so fast. It looked like the driving version of Mike Bloomberg’s campaign *7, you know? It was like, “I'm the only one who can …Aah, Elizabeth Warreeen!!!!” 


And you know who I really feel bad for? The person he was apparently texting with. Because you realize they're still at home, looking those three little dots and nothing has come outs. Like ”What is he saying? What is he saying? Did he pass the test or not?” 
But still people, the real lesson here is about texting while driving. Because you see, this only happened because the driver looked down to read his text. Then he look up, so the pedestrians paniced, swerved. and went into the water. So please, don’t make this mistake. Right? Just keep looking down at your phone the whole time. You let the people just jump out of the way. Yeah. Because if people jump off the bridge, we can always make more people, but that car is never coming back.

*1:*philosopher: 哲学者…ではなくSNSなどで人生訓を垂れるセレブ。“Another one”はDJカレードの決め台詞。
DJ Khaled Reveals Personal Philosophy for Success in New Book
DJカレード、自身の成功哲学を新著で明かす - Rolling Stones誌

*2:*Whiner: a person given to excessive complaints and crying and whining

*3:*a bazillion: a very large number.

*4:low-stakes situations: Low stake situation means it's a low risk situation. Something with very minimal loss if you fail it. Low stake situation means it's a low risk situation. Something with very minimal loss if you fail it.

*5:tonight’s gonna be a good, good night: The Black Eyed Peas - I Gotta Feeling の歌詞より

*6:Mar-a-Lago: 米南部フロリダ州にあるトランプ大統領の別荘、兼、会員制高級ホテル。


Michael Bloomberg 2020 presidential campaign-From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia