The Daily Social Distancing Show & Trevor Noah


コロナ時代のご近所づきあい | The Daily Social Distancing Show

Neighboring in the Time of Coronavirus | The Daily Social Distancing Show

Usually, When we talk about corona virus, we focus on the live lost, the economy and jobs. But the truth is that this pandemic is changing our world in a million different way. And one of those ways is how we interact with our neighbors. And that’s exactly what we gonna explore in our new segment. Neighboring in the Time of Corona.
Let's talk about neighbors. They are the people who live in an apartment just like yours, only everything's backwards. And since the coronavirus locked us all down, we’ve gotten so desperate for human interaction. And we’ve actually started turning to the people who live next door. And the results, well they’ve actually been inspiring.
Two young girls in Italy, put their creative minds and talent to work. They took to the roof top of their respective buildings to play tennis.
A guy in Brazil captured video of some neighbors playing the 90’s game Street Fighter II projected onto the building.
A DJ in Argentina is bringing the club to his balcony. He sets up outside letting neighbors enjoy from their own balconies. The DJ spins for about an hour giving them just enough time to mentally escape and have a bit of fan.
Oh, man! Oh, yeah! I love this. People are like "Hey, let's go to the club." "Hey, I'm at the club. It's popping tonight."
So, lots of people right now, are interacting with their neighbours like they've never done before. But thanks to corona virus, we're lerning about that neighbour don't just to be friends. They can also be our friends with benefit.*1
Jeremy Colin was sitting at home alone and look out of his window and saw his next door neighbor dancing. He had never met her before but it was love at first sight.  So, he went above and beyond, pulled out his drone and flew it over to her to ask her out on a date.
Michaele D'alpaos first set eyes on Paola Agnelli from his balcony. Michaele managed to track Paola down on Instergram and struck to have a conversation. The couple hasn’t stop talking since. Now they spend their days dreaming about what they’ll do when they finally meet. “I kiss her for an hour.” “I kiss you for two-hour."
Oh. Stop it you two. Get a room. But don’t. Social distancing. You know it’s amazing how this pandemic has warped our perspective. Because if you think about it, before coronavirus, if a guy staring at his neighbor through binoculars and then tracking her with drone, it would not be romantic. It would be a first half hour of a Dateline episode.*2
But I guess this is kind of sweet. You know, the only big problem with dating with your neighbor is that neither of them can ghost*3 each other.
“I know you are home. I can see you Daniella. Answer the phone.”
Now, don’t get me wrong. Coronavirus in not only bringing neighbors together. For some neighbors, this pandemic has made them do to war.
As snitching epidemic, neighbors tattle on people not following shut down orders.
A man says his neighbors chopped down a tree and used that trees to block his road to try to force him into quarantine.
Social distance shaming has gotten ugly. This is the Nextdoor web site created to make neighbors more neighborly. But check up these recent posts. “You're moron” “Shut up, yuppie!!!
(creaking) So, this is my life. I just listen to people **** all night. That’s cool.
You know, I’ll never understand why people get so angry when they hear their having sex. If you want your neighbors to stop having sex, don’t get mad. Get involved. That what I do. Whenever my neighbors get too loud, I just press up against wall and like “And me! And me! And me!” It works every time. But no much how much tensions arises between neighbors, there’s one thing you can always count on to bring people together to weather a storm: happy hour.
Now, neighbors in this one cul-de-sac*4 call it "trash talk". They started to meet to have drinks on Tuesday when they bring out their trash cans for pick up.
Some neighbors decided to follow the mantra that sharing is caring. Every night 7:00 neighbors in this apartment share a drink. One of the residents lean out of the window to pour some wine from his bottle down to neighbors below.
Yep. Leave it to alcohol to bind people together. I also love that they were having wine while leaning on the trash cans because it combines the classiest drink with the least classy activity next to it. Next, they’ll be like “More caviare served on a Limp Bizkit CD?”
So, look. Before the coronavirus, a lot of us just thought of our neighbors as anonymous weirdos who cook smelly meals and needed to turn down their music. But, hopefully, this pandemic will help us realize that these are real people, man. These are people with name. That’s not your neighbor. That's Gary. And after all of this coronavirus is over, I just hope that we’ll be able to go across the hall and say, “Turn down the goddamn music! Gary”

*1:friend with benefit: いわゆる「セフレ」

*2:Dateline: NBCの番組。週一回、一つの犯罪事件を1,2時間かけて詳細に報道する。三面記事的な犯罪を主に扱う。

*3:ghost: 急に連絡を絶って、相手が諦めるまで無視し続けること

*4:cul-de-sac: クルドサック。袋小路になった区画。 フランス語で袋小路(cul:尻、sac:袋)の意。