The Daily Social Distancing Show & Trevor Noah


コロナウィルス急増中 | The Daily Social Distancing Show


Coronavirus Is on the Upswing | The Daily Social Distancing Show

You know, with states opening up, and people protest in the streets, a lot of the public feel like coronavirus is over. The only problem is, nobody told coronavirus.
America's Covid-19 pandemic has passed another terrible milestone as of this morning, more than two million Americans have tested positive for the coronavirus, more than 112,000 of them have died. the head of Harvard’s Global Health Institute said yesterday; the U.S. death toll could reach two hundred thousand in September.
今朝、アメリカはCovid-19 流行の新たな恐るべき節目を迎えました。新型コロナウィルス陽性患者数は2百万人を超え、死者数は11万2千人以上となりました。ハーバード・グローバルヘルス研究所は昨日、アメリカ合衆国の死者数は9月には20万人に達する可能性があるとの見解を示しました。
Earlier this week, 16 states reported an increase in average new Covid-19 cases compared to two weeks ago. At least 14 states have seen a rise in current hospitalizations since Memorial Day including Texas where hospitalizations jumped 42%. In Arizona hospital capacity is at 83%. State data shows the usage of ventilators, ICU beds and intubations at all-time highs.
今週はじめ、2週間前に比べCovid-19 の平均新患者数の増加がみられた州は16に上りました。少なくとも14の州で戦没将兵追悼記念日(5月26日)以降、入院者数が上昇しており、そのうちテキサス州では入院者率が42%上昇、アリゾナ州では病床の83%が占有されています。国のデータによるとベンチレーター、ICU病床、気管支挿管の数はこれまでで最も高くなっています。
You know I can’t say that for certain because I’m not, like, a scientist, but I feel like coronavirus grow up with a father who never loved it. Because right now it’s working really hard to prove itself. I mean 200,000 death? By September?
Coronavirus is attacking America so hard, half of the country’s gonna want to put up a statue of it.
And look, there are many reasons that Americans are taking the pandemic less seriously, but one of those reasons might be the fact that the people running the country barely seem to be thinking about it anymore at all.
I mean they haven’t held a corona press conference to update the public in weeks. Like, I don’t know where country official stands. Do you? Are we winning?  Are we losing? Can we go back outside? Can we sneeze on the buffet again? Like, what’s happening?
And it doesn’t help that yesterday, just yesterday, the head of the coronavirus task force did this.
Vice President Mike Pence has deleted his tweet showing campaign staff ditching coronavirus safety recommendations. He posted the tweet last night showing him with a large group of Trump reelection campaign staffers with no social distancing or face masks. That despite the fact that these are the recommendations of the coronavirus task force that is led by Pence.
You see? This is the problem. How do you expect the public to take things seriously when you yourself are not taking it seriously? You tell people wear masks but you are raw-dogging the air.*1
You tell people to social distance but then you guys are crammed together like, like those tiny fish. Like the fish inside the, the can. The… God. The fish. You know the fish they’ve got the smell. The… Ah, it’s on the tip of my tongue. Goddamn. The…
Anyway, you know what I’m talking about. Because it’s clear to see America’s battle against Covid... Sardines!
It was sardines. You’re packed together in a room like sardines. Ha!
Look, the point is America's botched coronavirus response is just one of the reasons that 74% of Americans now feel like the country is on the wrong track. And I don’t blame them.
Police are beating up protesters in the streets. Millions of people are unemployed. And Georgia couldn’t even hold a primary election without making people wait in lines for hours. Clearly, American democracy is failing, which means, there is only one thing to do.
What if I told you about a country in crisis.
A country ravaged by disease.
Where the economy has collapsed.
Where soldiers patrol the streets.
A government gases its own people.
And the lines to  vote are longer than the bathroom line at Coachella.
Now, what if I told you that country is America?
Plot twist!
That’s the Shyamalan.
Admit it. America is a failed state.
America needs return to democracy.
And if there’s one thing America knows, it's when a country needs democracy, you invade it.
It’s time for someone to invade the United States.
Specifically, Canada.
That’s right. We’re asking the good people of Canada to invade us. Please.
Please. Please invade us.
Please, invade us for the love of god. Wait, what do you all pray to up there? You all pray to a moose?
We're not asking for a donation. We’re asking for an invasion.
Some of our states are already basically Canadian. Uh, Minnesota, Maine, the non-Detroit parts of Michigan.
We’re right next to you. Just invade us for weekend and see if you like it. Come on.
No new languages to learn. It’s English but with a slightly more normal accent.
And to my fellow Americans, why would we not want Canada to invade us?
We’ll still have racism, but it’ll be polite, Canadian racism with a smile.*2
And, Canada, we apologize for making fun of you so much. “We’re so sorry.” “I’m so sorry.” I’m so, I'm… Look, you all make it easy.
We’re just jealous of your functioning health care system, which if you don’t mind, bring that with you.
We did great under our last black president. We’re willing to try yours.*3
And on top of all that, I want to (bleep) a Canadian.
I want to (bleep) a Canadian.
We want to (bleep) Canadians.
So, if you agree that Canada should spread democracy to the United States,
If you’re ready to see Canada’s military Zambonis*4
 roam the streets of our great nation,
Go to, sign the petition and share with your friend.にアクセスして署名をお願いします。お友達にもシェアしてね。
If enough of us ask and we do it politely, they can’t say no.

*1:raw dogging: "having sex with no condom" 直訳すると「空気とナマでやってる」。ちなみに、row doggingというのもあって「the practice of multiple people having anal sex with each other at the same time.」らしい。なんだその practice。

*2:polite racism: あからさまな侮蔑や暴力など目に見える形の差別ではなく、表面上はうまく取り繕われ、目立たない形で社会構造に潜む差別。差別される側の個人的な問題であるかのように装われる例などがある。関連する語にCovert racism(隠れた人種差別)、systemic racism(構造的人種差別)など。カナダ人の国民性が”polite”であるとされることとも絡められている。カナダでは先住民族や、特にアジア系の留学生に対する polite racism がしばし問題提起されている。

*3:black president: トルドー首相が約20年前の学校教師時代、パーティーで黒塗りの仮装をしていた写真が2019年9月タイムズ紙に大々的に報じられ、世界的なスキャンダルとなったことより

*4:Zamboni: 製氷車。スケートリンクの氷を均す車。 Zamboniはメーカー名だが、製氷車の代名詞にもなっている。氷に閉ざされた国カナダのイメージで製氷車なのだろうけど、実はZamboni社はアメリカの会社でカリフォルニアに本社があるらしい。